We’ve launched The Building Archives — a digital platform to facilitate the adaption and reuse of our existing building stock.
Access to a comprehensive set of existing drawings during the early design phases not only makes it possible to understand the opportunities and challenges associated with a project early on but also reduces intrusive site investigation expenses and on-site risks.
However structural drawings can be difficult to find. The Building Archives provides a collaborative solution. Providing professionals across the built environment with quick and easy online access to archived structural drawings, via an interactive map.
To centralise and increase accessibility to structural drawings, we’re inviting other engineering practices to host their own archive lists on the not-for-profit platform free of charge. To build on the foundations of the platform and make The Building Archives a one-stop digital marketplace for structural drawings.
With over 90,000 detailed drawings currently available, including records of high-profile addresses such as The Ritz, Selfridges and The Royal Automobile Club, this resource can help architects, engineers and developers unlock the full potential of existing buildings by ensuring archived material is easy to access and use.
The Building Archives website is now live and practices wishing to join us in hosting their archive data on the platform can contact us at info@thebuildingarchives.co.uk

“We know the importance of reuse and adaptation in progressing a more sustainable built environment and by sharing this resource, we can encourage the industry to work together to preserve and enhance our built heritage.”
In 2018 construction, demolition and excavation waste represented 62% of the total UK waste. However, the built environment is not only a big consumer but also a materials store.
The Building Archives aims to empower architects, developers and engineers to make better use of the materials locked away in our existing buildings and physical infrastructure.
Introducing The Building Archives
“The key to successfully developing an existing building is understanding it, and a comprehensive set of structural drawings can help you do that. From the basics like the age of the building, the boundary and the load used to design it, to details like materials, dimensions and connections– it all builds a picture that can help justify extending the design life of a building.”